Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories

Episode 37- Sierra Melcher Explains How Change Really Happens - Unexpected Tools of Transformation

May 07, 2020 Victoria Johnson Season 4 Episode 37

Sierra Melcher is a woman devoted to helping other women.  She is a mentor international educator and entrepreneur.   She is both an author and an artist.  Sierra is sharing tips from her new book - "How Change Really Happens."  It is filled with stories of women who have overcome conflict AND also personal growth tools.  It turns out that personal growth was not what Sierra thought it would be - so she has upped the ante by creating the unexpected tools of transformation throughout the second half of her book.

To get Sarah's book visit Amazon.  It is free on Kindle or you can order your paper copy through this link. 

Website: Facebook: Integral Women Mentoring

Quote:  "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."  Joseph Campbell