Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Episode 94 - Change What Happened To You with Odille Remmert
Odille Remmert teaches how we have the power to heal through gaining control over our own brain and body chemistry and changing the negative implicit childhood memories that are holding us back. Her work, The Remmert Method, is based on the latest in neuroscience and empowers individuals to gain control over their experiences in all areas of life, quickly, easily, and with love.
Odille credits Louise Hay and other pioneers in the mind-body connection movement for their work long before neuroscience research on the subject was mainstream.
Visit her WEBSITE for many free resources and to learn more about Odille and The Remmert Method.
"Our first experiences create the filters through which all new experiences must pass."- Dr. Bruce Perry, neuroscientist and co-author of the book: "What Happened to You?"