Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories from real-life people just like you. Learn how others have faced and overcome adversity in their lives. Be inspired by their stories of triumph over tragedy and enjoy the motivational quotes that accompany each real-life story. This podcast will motivate and inspire you, giving you hope for achieving your goals and living your best life.
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Episode 86 - Inner Work is the Key with Aura Martinez
Season 9
Episode 86
Aura Martinez is a Self-Discovery and Empowerment coach. She holds a BA in Forensic Psychology and is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. Aura uses her background in psychology to help others discover themselves and create greater well-being in all areas. Aura teaches us about the importance of loving all parts of ourselves and teaches mental, spiritual, and emotional hygiene. Learn how to find the blocks that hold you back and get to know yourself even more.
"The best strategy to master in order to win in life is the inner game." Aura Martinez.
Learn more about Aura HERE.