Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories from real-life people just like you. Learn how others have faced and overcome adversity in their lives. Be inspired by their stories of triumph over tragedy and enjoy the motivational quotes that accompany each real-life story. This podcast will motivate and inspire you, giving you hope for achieving your goals and living your best life.
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Episode 78 - Being Resilient in Times of Change with Dr. Steve Yacovelli
Victoria Johnson
Season 8
Episode 77
Dr. Steve Yacovelli ("The Gay Leadership Dude®) shares his top three strategies for being resilient in times of change. He has worked with Fortune 500 greats like The Walt Disney Company, Bayer, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and many more.
Learn to understand the psychology behind change and benefit from Dr. Steve's 25 years of experience and leadership and communication.
Get to know the Top Dog Learning team HERE.
"What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog." Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Please remember to check out host Victoria Johnson's website and visit her on YouTube for over 100 videos to help you heal your life.