Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories from real-life people just like you. Learn how others have faced and overcome adversity in their lives. Be inspired by their stories of triumph over tragedy and enjoy the motivational quotes that accompany each real-life story. This podcast will motivate and inspire you, giving you hope for achieving your goals and living your best life.
Motivational Quotes and Inspirational Life Stories
Episode 79 - "The Power of Affirmations" with Internationally Known Speaker and Singer, Michele Blood
Victoria Johnson
Season 8
Episode 78
Michele Blood had an amazing career as a rock singer in Australia and a horrific accident changed her life's path. Listen in as she tells us how she healed her broken body with affirmations and music. Listen to her original songs of affirmation through this special link: www.michelleblood.com/healyourlife
Michele has spoken on stages with Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, and Dr Wayne Dyer and worked closely with Bob Proctor for many years. Her energy and enthusiasm are infections - and trust me - you want to catch what she has! She is truly a high vibration being! Enjoy!
Please remember to check out host Victoria Johnson's website and visit her on YouTube for over 100 videos to help you heal your life.